
ICoME2016 Young Scholar Awards

Round Table AWARD Selection

Congratulations to all the award winners!
The following presenters got a young scholar awards at the ICoME 2016.

ICoME 2016 Award young scholars in the Round Table session.

In the round table session, the chairperson in each room scored each presentation according to a rubric which evaluated the presentations from 5 perspectives: enthusiasm, slide design, contents, discussion and proceedings. 17 students out of 54 were officially selected as great academic presenters in the ICoME 2016 Round Table Session.

List of the Awardees

Xiaoxuan Pan (South China Normal University)
Title: A Case Study of Applying Visualization Tools in English Teaching

Yoon Mi Ko (Hanyang University),
Hyun Mi Park (Hanyang University),
Mi-Lee Ahn (Hanyang University)
Title: An analysis of Science Gamification Platform

Ji Soo Lim (The University of Tokyo)
Title: The Development of Measurement of Empathy in Digital Games

Kosuke Suzuki (Nihon Fukushi University),
Keishi Kamiya (Nihon Fukushi University),
Taeheon Kim (Chonnam National University),
Youngjoo Lee (Chonnam National University),
Ayaka Ishihara (Nihon Fukushi University),
Yusei Naitou (Nihon Fukushi University),
Yujin Lee (Chonnam National University)
Title: The Consciousness toward e-sports in Korea and Japan

Jiyeon Lee (Hanyang University),
Hyun Mi Park (Hanyang University),
Mi-Lee Ahn (Hanyang University),
Jimin Lim (Hanyang University)
Title: Video Analysis of 21st Century Skills’ 4C in Classrooms: Revisit Korean and American Classes

Xin Hu (Kansai University),
Haruo Kurokami (Kansai University)
Title: Media Literacy Comparison of Middle School Students in Urban and Rural Areas in Hunan, China

Jin He (Kansai University)
Title: Nonverbal Expressions of Japanese Speakers During Conference Presentations

Yujin Park (Seoul National University),
Myungsun Kim (Seoul National University),
Sunyong Keum (Seoul National University),
Gahyun Sung (Seoul National University)
Title: Analysis of Learners’ Perception on the SPAT Format as a Delivery Method in Mobile Learning

Ryota Onoda (Meiji University),
Makiko Kishi (Meiji Univesity)
Title: Elaborating New Activities as a Head Taller in Higher Education

Takaaki Tetsu (Meisei University),
Juna Tanaka (Meisei University),
Narumi Suto (Meisei University),
Ikumi Ono (Meisei University),
Natsuki Watanabe (Meisei University),
Takayuki Konno (Meisei University)
Title: Media Influence on the Continued Involvement of Student Volunteers in Supporting the Tohoku Region after the 2011 Disaster

Akiko Kuroda (Tsukuba University),
Kanae Suzuki (Tsukuba University)
Title: Analysis of the Plates in Japanese Junior High School Art Textbooks

Hui Zhang (South China Normal University)
Title: Extending the PRTAM Model to Explore the Factors that Affect Intention to Engage in a SPOC Community

Yibo Fan (South China Normal University)
Title: Use the AMP Tool to Characterize Pedagogical Approaches Taken by MOOC Courses in Mainland China

Jihye Kang (Inha University),
Younglong Kim (Hanyang University),
Dongsik Kim (Hauyang University)
Title: The Case Study for Flipped Learning in a Middle School History Class

Harumi Kawakami (Keio University),
Yoshiro Miyata (Chukyo University)
Title: Learning Classical Literature with Collaborative Scratch Animations

Kitty Hino (University of Hawaii)
Title: Over the Rainbow: Collaborative Video Project For Cross Cultural Learning

Wang Shiqi (Northeast Normal University),
Wei Wang (Northeast Normal University)
Title: Strategy Study of University Students’ Co-construction and Sharing of Learning Resources Based on Social Software: A Case Study of Information and Software Engineering Faculty of University A

Updated on 2016, August 27th